Thursday 25 January 2018

Sculpture by the Lake

When you are strolling through the parkland on the southern shore of Wentworth Falls Lake, you will pass a number of weather-greyed, curiously shaped sculptures.  Some are low to the ground, and others stand tall - some are bulky, some slender or sinuous.  All were once bright new pieces of sandstone, and images of them in that state can be found here.

Juncus usitatus - Common Rush - by Nick Dorrer

Around twenty years ago, a team of sculptors set to work on those lumps of stone as they stood around the park.  Under the eyes of the onlookers who passed through, and the picnickers who stopped for a while, the stones were transformed into representations of the seeds or seedpods of various trees, shrubs, and ferns that grew on the slopes around the lake.

Banksia serrata - Old Man Banksia - by Maija Collishaw

16 artists each fashioned one sculpture according to their interpretation of the seed they had studied, and the results still intrigue visitors today.  There is also a book that was published by Blue Mountains City Council, and compiled by Gabriella Hegyes that gives more details on the history of the project, and each of the artists - many of them being locals.

Glleichenia dicarpa - Pouched Coral Fern - by Mary Anderson

These are three of the sixteen sculptures that catch the eye of visitors to our beautiful lake - some of them are not as easy to find as they once were, for the trees and shrubs have grown over the decades. 

They are there, though, and worth searching for - you need to move slowly and observantly, and in the process, you may find so much else of interest.

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