Thursday, 4 October 2018

Not What it Looks Like

The aridity of late Winter was eased by early Spring rains - more rain is falling on The Mountains, and across The City on The Plain as I sit and watch the birds fossicking amid the falling petals...

There was wind yesterday, scattering petals in sudden gusts that made the parrots and rosellas sound the alarm and flee for the trees along the creek, like minnows scattering when a pebble lands amid the school.  It is rarely very long before they are back at the feeder, squabbling over precedence like petty politicians at the annual photo-op with the VIP.  If the birds were absent for more than a minute or two I would be outside, hoping to see a hawk or eagle circling - not that they would be seeing much today...

As lush as our garden has suddenly become, and as damp as everything looks, there is no extra water running down the creek to the Kedumba River and the great reservoir behind Warragamba Dam.  Our lake at the head of the valley is still lower than I have ever seen it, and will need inches of rain to lift it to the level of the overflow - sorry, Sydney, we are keeping all of this batch for ourselves.

We promise to enjoy it, though...

Perhaps there will be apricots before Christmas.....

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